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GGS FAQ Questions
Germanic Genealogy for Beginners
How do I start doing my Germanic genealogy?
Why do I need to find the birthplace of my emigrant ancestor here in the US?
Where can I find Germanic church records?
Are there any German family tree databases?
What are some useful Germanic genealogy websites?
How can I find a researcher in Germany?
How can I learn to read the old German script?
How can I get German documents translated?
How can I find a German translator?
How can I write to Germany if I don’t know any German?
How can I find/use holdings of archives in Germany?
What’s an Ortsfamilienbuch (OFB) / Ortssippenbuch (OSB)?
Where can I get lists of old occupations and medical terms?
How and why should I use German websites?
DNA for Germanic Genealogists
What DNA test is most popular for Germanic ancestry?
Why are my DNA ethnicity results so strange?
About GGS
Why should I join GGS/what are the benefits of joining GGS?
What volunteer opportunities are there?
How can I find out if GGS has written about a topic?
Where is your library? Can I use it if I’m not a member?
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