Germanic Genealogy Society

Welcome to our society’s home page!

GGS aims to assist descendants of German immigrants find and understand their ancestors. To reach this goal, GGS offers educational webinars, meetings and conferences, study groups, a library collection, a monthly E-News, and our GGS Journal which features research of members and the knowledge of professional genealogists. GGS was founded in 1979 in Minnesota.
GGS Membership includes a complimentary hour of research assistance, webinar handouts, online access to past Journals and E-News, and reduced rates at meetings.
GGS is a founding member of the International German Genealogy Partnership (IGGP). This partnership includes the umbrella organization of many of the genealogical societies in Germany today, - the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft genealogischer Verbände (DAGV). Other IGGP member societies represent areas of German settlement in countries around the world.
We at GGS invite you to begin, or continue, your pursuit of your people. The map shows what they left.

The time period and jurisdictions of the Norddeutscher Bund / North German Confederation 1866 – 1871 

February 15
GGS Library Day
Bring your questions to the MGC to get help with your research.
February 15
Document Translation Meeting
Bring your document for translation help.
February 27
Ann Broihier "Researching Baden-Württemberg Ancestors"
We will look at resources for information about our Baden-Württemberg ancestors. The discussion will include various types of records and how to access them. The presentation will mention applicable books, free websites, pay websites, and other helpful resources.   Ann Broihier is the current co-leader of the Dallas Genealogical ...
March 20
Barbara Pieh "Finding your Family in Hesse"
Barbara Pieh is GGS Research chair and past president of GGS. She is a regular contributor at the monthly German Document Translation Meeting. She lived for many years in Germany and travels there regularly.   Barbara has done extensive research in both the former Hessen-Kassel and Hessen-Darmstadt.     ...